Music box 1 - Simple beep
FPGAs can easily implement binary counters. For example, a 16bit counter is going to count from 0 to 65535 (65536 different values) before rolling-back.
The Pluto board has a 25MHz clock oscillator, so we can easily build a 25MHz clocked 16bit free running counter.
Its highest bit toggles at a frequency of 25000000/65536=381Hz.
The Verilog HDL code looks like this:
(click above on the speaker icon to listen to the result)
module music(clk, speaker);
input clk;
output speaker;
// first create a 16bit binary counter
reg [15:0] counter;
always @(posedge clk) counter <= counter+1;
// and use the most significant bit (MSB) of the counter to drive the speaker
assign speaker = counter[15];
In more details, "clk" runs at 25MHz, "counter[0]" looks like a 12.5MHz signal (it is updated at 25MHz with alternate values 0 1 0 1... so it looks like a 12.5MHz signal), "counter[1]" a 6.125MHz signal, and so on.
Since we use the MSB (bit 15) of the counter to drive the output, a nice 381Hz square signal comes out of the "speaker" output.
"A" note (440Hz)
Ok, better than a random frequency, why not try to get a 440Hz signal.
That's the frequency of the "A" note.
Instead of dividing 25MHz by 65536, we need to divide by 56818.
module music(clk, speaker);
input clk;
output speaker;
reg [15:0] counter;
always @(posedge clk) if(counter==56817) counter <= 0; else counter <= counter+1;
assign speaker = counter[15];
There is a problem with our implementation though.
The frequency is 440Hz, as expected, but the output duty cycle is not 50% anymore.
The low level goes from counter=0 to counter=32767 (when bit 15 of counter is low) and then high level from 32768 to 56817.
That gives us "speaker" being high only 42% of the time.
The easiest way to get a 50% duty cycle is to add a stage that divides the output by 2.
So first we divide by 28409 (instead of 56818) and then by 2.
module music(clk, speaker);
input clk;
output speaker;
reg [14:0] counter;
always @(posedge clk) if(counter==28408) counter<=0; else counter <= counter+1;
reg speaker;
always @(posedge clk) if(counter==28408) speaker <= ~speaker;
Adding a parameter
Here's essentially the same code.
A new parameter named "clkdivider" was added, and the counter was changed into a "count-down" counter - just a matter of preference.
module music(clk, speaker);
input clk;
output speaker;
parameter clkdivider = 25000000/440/2;
reg [14:0] counter;
always @(posedge clk) if(counter==0) counter <= clkdivider-1; else counter <= counter-1;
reg speaker;
always @(posedge clk) if(counter==0) speaker <= ~speaker;